Apr 30, 2015


"She wanted a hero, so became one." ~Unknown.


she heard it was “a true loves kiss”,
and a bunch of fairytale bliss,
she was stuck in this metropolis,
she was stuck in this abyss,

in a black hole of sorrow,
always waiting for tomorrow,
she can't find her superhero power,
all strength gone, where's her hero?

She heard it was “no pain, no gain,”
but all these dark skies pour down is rain,
don't worry,” she says, “I'm not insane,”
and the tears fall down from the pain,

heroes were just for the fairytales,
like pirate ships setting sail,
and the large dragon tails,
they were just stories hiding behind a veil,

she heard it was “heart before mind,”
but those souls were blind,
now's the time to go ahead, not behind,
she used her logic instead of her feelings this time

she wanted a hero,
so that's what she became...

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