Mar 16, 2015

Ink and Inspiration

>>Ink and Inspiration<<

a thin point sharpie draws on her wrist
making quick strokes with careful precision
there's a butterfly with outstretched wings
screaming for flight and life....

but the sharpie isn't as permanent
as they first made it sound...
and the butterfly washes off
as if it never existed in the first place

she tries again, with different colors,
drawing the wings and details...
isn't that what artist do? they draw
and she wanted to draw, too, but with meaning
and inspiration...

so she picked up her sharpie once more,
grabbed her car keys and drove away
to a place that could make her butterfly
take flight and give it life....

now a permanent being on her wrist
it lives with her until she dies,
like inspiration lives on with the artist
or the writer, when they put their creations

on paper, living on in inked inspiration....

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