Mar 15, 2015

Garden of Words

>>Garden of Words<<
as she walked through the garden of words
she tried to imagine what colors each held,
tried to gather the right materials
so that the bouquet was just right....
she didn't want anything out of place,
longing for perfection, even if it was just this once.
So she took her scissors and cut off some herbs,
they have healing powers, y'know. 
And then she cut off a rose, sweet, but painful.
Next was poison ivy; it looked pretty.
But the power inside it, the meaning behind it was 
greater than she knew. 
She took her findings back to her house,
arranged them in a form that seemed to form something beautiful,
but as she worked with her findings, she found they all didn't fit.
Her fingers bled from the thorns on the rose, and the herbs didn't 
seem to fit anywhere.
Her arms were red from the poison ivy, 
and nothing she did was able to bring her plants (that were words) 
into a perspective that everyone could understand.
And even though she tried not to get hurt, she did.
But others were hurt by the arrangement of words, as well.
All she wanted was to make something gorgeous,
but soon she found out, that eve if it was gorgeous to her,
others would never understand the beauty.
And even though she meant no harm by giving away a rose,
someone eventually bled from the thorns.

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