May 8, 2015

Something Special

Something Special
she pondered life and its meaning,
she wandered in her mind,
wondering how she got to this place,
because there's just something special
about teaching a child music,
and there's just something special
about being able to dance to music,
and there's just something special
about writing poetry and novels,
and there's just something special
about making a perfect cup of coffee,
wearing sweatpants on the weekend,
not having a care in the world,
and there's just something special
about Pinning her favorite pictures,
and there's just something special
about learning, about school, about knowledge,
things she used to take for granted,
but it's something special,
and it made her smile,
to be able to make others smile,
and to be able to create
words, poems, music, love, coffee...
something special about being to create a love
that might not have otherwise have happened,
there's just something
about the way she goes about life,
something great,
something marvelous,
her darling heart had made a small difference,
and somehow that was everything to her,
there's just something special about her...


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