May 9, 2015

One More Wish

One More Wish
it's raining, it's pouring,
her soul is crying,
the beauty, the horror,
why is heart at war?
Sticks and stones,
no, no broken bones,
fog and pain,
clouds and rain,
it's raining, it's pouring,
her soul is hurting,
a very deep ache,
she stands before a lake,
makes a wish, throws a stone,
her heart is strong as bone,
it's raining, it's pouring,
but the skies are clearing,
a bit of sunshine,
somewhat of a sign,
it's not raining, or pouring,
her soul isn't crying,
but there's still an ache
as she stands before the lake,
making one more wish,
blowing one more kiss,
as the wind catches it,
drifting it across the waves with wit...

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