Apr 14, 2015

Right Words

April 13th
Free verse:

>>Right Words<< 

the water falls over the rocks,
waves elegantly crash down,
my heart sings at the sight of it,
and my soul stirs at the feel of it,

sand beneath my feet,
seagulls soaring above my head,
clear blue skies, not a cloud in sight,
sun shines down with a gentle heat,

my heart sings and my soul stirs,
as my mind scrambles to find words,
words that will explain the feeling inside,
a story that I can tell forever and ever,

but alas no words come,
so I sit and soak up the feeling,
I feel the cold water against my legs,
the warm sand against my skin,

and I wait for the right words,
to describe this perfect moment,
maybe they will come soon,
or maybe not at all.

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