Apr 9, 2015

Memory of a Memory

So I am behind on posting my NaPoWriMo poems, but 'tis okay right? :)

April 1st NaPo poem #1
Character poem:
>>Memory of a Memory<<

it was long time ago that we walked this path,
it seems like ages has passed since we talked like that,
and I enjoy the meaningful words that are full of wisdom,
but now I want to go and build my kingdom...

it's like you don't care anymore about anyone,
it's like you have no feelings for the beautiful...
but even so you fell in love with the adorable...
and now I wish I had been more strict, been more forceful
and let you go ages ago...

because I feel like I am walking in a memory of a memory....
as if it never happened... as if you don't exist...
and I couldn't care any less than I do now,

about if you live or die... because I don't even know if you are real...

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