Mar 14, 2015


 she got lost in the beauty of the mountains
and fell in love with the gray skies...
she couldn't see why some didn't appreciate it,
as if it didn't mean anything...but it did, it meant /life/. 

she was a hopeless wanderer,
a vagabond of sorts, sifting through life,
going from one thought to the next,
traveling from one idea to another...

 she was a lost soul, seeing only what she wanted,
and doing only as she wished, not subject to anyone...
though she didn't believe in love, 
she always dreamed one day it would pop into existence

it was always the bright colors that were boring to her,
she loved the grays and blacks and melancholy...
she loved the way that their poetic meaning spoke loudly,
and she didn't want to miss that...miss the meaning...

and so she lived life lost in her thoughts,
lost in the beauty of the mountains and stars,
wondering around aimlessly, searching for new things...

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